It was in April of 2011 that I first arrived to Peru via Ecuador’s Zumba and Peru’s San Ignacio. This small collection of travel drawings accounts for a total of seven months I spent here. I traveled, sketching places like Kuelap, Trujillo, Huaraz, the Cordillera Blanca, Lima, Cuzco, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.
My good friend Albert, otherwise known as Catalan in the House of No Ends, in Lima, Peru.
A drawing of the Amazon River in Pucallpa, Peru.
A travel sketch of Huacachina, a Desert Oasis in Ica, on the coast of Peru.
This statue of an angel holding a dead woman in Huaraz is proportionally correct–his hand was that big.
Travel drawing in Huaraz, Peru.
Kuelap is a ruin near Chachapoyas, in Peru. It is larger than Machu Picchu but not as stunning. This is a travel drawing of Kuelap.
A travel drawing in La Oroya, in the Peruvian Andes. I tried to jump a mineral train to Lima, but it was going in the wrong direction.
A sketch of some faces in Lima, Peru.
This is a travel drawing sketch of Machu Picchu, the famous Incan ruins near Cuzco. Sammy and I went in the dead of night, and slept in the sacred rock.
A quick sketch of Mayra in Arequipa, Peru
One of the most beautiful Peruvians I know, here’s a drawing of Mayra Cuellar.
In Miraflores, Lima, I was able to create a decent travel drawing of the Peruvian coast.
For three days I stayed in a hostal with a construction worker, who invited me onto the company tab every day for meals. I drew this picture of traditional Peruvian dress, later realizing that it’s only traditional for that area.
Hitchhiking along the coast of Peru, eventually I came across Chan Chan, the ancient city near Trujillo. A travel sketch was called for. The reconstructed part is not as inspiring as the ruins.
This is a sketch of mountains in the Cordillera Blanca. The lagoon here is called Laguna de Paron.
In Pamparomas, where I was stuck for a few days awaiting traffic, these giant Peruvian bugs, beetles, were buzzing around all over the place. I sketched one as my host watched on.
In the Center of Lima, I created this travel drawing of the old carved wooden colonial balconies and porches.
I stayed for 5 days in Pucallpa, Peru, eating Tacacho and hanging out with the firemen. Eventually, the fire chief kicked me out. Here is a drawing of a Pucallpa corner.
A drawing of the Tucume ruins in Peru.
A travel sketch of Lake Titicaca after hitchhiking from Cuzco to the Bolivia border. I had to go to the Chilean border when I was denied a visa.
Traveling to Cuzco brought me back together with a good friend. The center is crowded with tourists, but the outskirts had the 3.5 sol meals we were hoping for.
In Trujillo, I made a brief travel sketch of a facade.